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The Last Days

It is often a question in eschatological discussion: “Do you think we live in the last days?”. Over the summer I’ve had the privilege to preach through the book of Hebrews. The book of Hebrews opens with these words: 1 In the past God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets at many times and […]

The Significance of The Last Things

First things first! If we are to explore the theme that eschatology matters, then we need to define the term. Eschatology comes from the Greek word “eschatos”, meaning, last things; and the ending “logos”,” means “the study of”. The combination of these words gives us a definition: “the study of last things.” This is significant […]

The Genre of a Prophetic Text

One of the reasons why so many today have a confused, or carnal view of eschatology is due to malnourished reading habits. We need to be well equipped to dive into God’s word to delve into the depths of treasure stored within God’s sacred communication. An aspect of malnourishment that can be corrected over time […]

How Amillennialism Just Might Convince You of Postmillennialism

Eschatology is a fascinating business, and maybe particularly so for those eschatologies that are generally more covenantal in their approach. Within these covenantal eschatologies, there is an intriguing intersection of the closely-related perspectives of amillennialism and postmillennialism. It may be less of an intersection, and more of a general agreement about the overall structure of […]

Words Matter: Making Sense of the Moscow Mood

When I was growing up, in overtly Arminian circles, I was warned, again and again, tostay away from guys like John Calvin. Calvin was the devil given human form, and his writingswere strictly off limits. Guys like John MacArthur and John Piper also enjoyed such exalted, yetforbidden, status in these churches. They were strictly off-limits—even […]

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