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Father and Son
Forgiveness In Light of Eternity

“I can remember being angry, but I don’t remember what it was about” These were the words of
a father confined to a hospital, preparing for his final breaths. I had the privilege of spending
time with this man many times during the last years of his life. He had a child whom he had
grown estranged from. There was always a lamentful look in his eyes, and sound in his voice
when discussing his children.
The cause of the wounds in their relationship had happened long ago. Memory of details, and
even generalities had faded. Without forgiveness granted by either party the wound had
festered leaving only destruction behind. It wasn’t due to a discernable disease of the mind that
the father couldn’t remember. It was just the simple passing of days.

Teach us to Pray

While instructing the disciples to pray, Jesus said “forgive us our debts, as we also have
forgiven our debtors” (Mat 6:12). The instructions of Jesus are always for the benefit of His
people. To fail to forgive is to miss out on a benefit Christ has instructed and provided for us to
partake in.
Missing out is precisely what this father and his estranged child lived out for years. They missed
out on a relationship, on healing, on wounds scarring and mending, on birthday celebrations,
meals shared, wisdom exchanged, and faith built up. Time itself snatches away the details of
painful malice, leaving only a trail of destruction. Time does not heal all wounds, but it can
instead entrench bitterness. Forgiveness in light of eternal life provides a path to healing.

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